David Schofield

More Selected Recordings

Contemporary Service Music
Listen     Many Gifts, One Spirit, St. Dominic's Contemporary Choir, San Francisco 2:48
Listen     O Bless the Lord, St. Dominic's Contemporary Choir, San Francisco 1:06
Listen   Foley One Bread, One Body, St. Dominic's Contemporary Choir, San Francisco 1:28
Listen   Haugen Mass of Creation: Sanctus, St. Dominic's Contemporary Choir, San Francisco 0:43
Listen   B. Hurd Shelter Me O God, St. Dominic's Contemporary Choir, San Francisco 1:41
Listen   Moore Taste and See, St. Dominic's Contemporary Choir, San Francisco 1:52
Traditional Service Music
Listen   Haugen Mass of Creation: Agnus Dei, Assembly of St. Dominic's, San Francisco 1:07
Listen   Improvisation Postlude on Kyrie Orbis Factor
Recorded live at Church of St. Ignatius Loyola, New York
Listen   Improvisation Prelude on Salve Regina
Recorded live at Church of St. Ignatius Loyola, New York
Listen   Improvisation Prelude on Veni Emmanuel
Recorded live at St. Paul's Chapel, Columbia University, New York
Listen   Trad. O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Recorded live at St. Paul's Chapel, Columbia University, New York
Listen   Proulx Community Mass: Sanctus, Assembly of St. Dominic's, San Francisco 0:59
Listen   Premiere Recordings
Listen   Live Recordings
Listen   From the Compact Discs
Listen   Live Organ Performances